Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. Matt. XI:29
All the happiness of Mary
is concentrated in the contemplation of the joys of Jesus.
O, Lady, I recommend myself  to thee
because thou watchest over me forever.  ~ St. Godric of Walpole[Finchale]
Would that you offer to us, O Jesus, only the goodwill
 that we ask of you through the angels. ~ Dom Gueranger   
Mary with the angels adores the beloved Child,
blessing God for having given the Savior to the earth. Fr. Faber. 
Bouasse Jeune
All the angels adore and revere Thee.
qui amas animas... (Book of Wisdom) sisqut mater amat filium suum (2 Kings)
Interpreting these passages, I think the sense may be:
He who is the Lover of Souls,
Head Over All,
my mother loves His Son.

What sweet doctrine offers us the love of Jesus for Mary!
Boussse-Lebel 5199
Oh! Angel of Heaven, watch over me!
Mother most admirable
pray for us.
That which pleases  Jesus is the simplicity 
of a heart giving itself and all it has.  ~Mgr. de Segur
Bousse Jeune1028
If I possessed the sweetness and the gentleness of the dove, 
surely I would give more happiness to your heart.
Infant Jesus, grant me purity of mind and heart.
"I am the flower of the fields and the lily of the valleys."
~ Our Saviour ~
The Child Jesus came to us under the aspect 
most sweet and most charming.
Let us ask His Holy Mother  
that we may learn to serve Him with faithfulness.
De Gerval
O Jesus full of love and mercy, 
bless the goodwill of your children.  
Let us ask the divine mother to teach us the secret of keeping her beloved Son in our heart.
Bouasse Lebel
We must do all our actions through Mary 
to make them more perfect for Jesus.  
~ St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
Bouasse Lebel
Oh, Child Jesus, grant that my works 
are like roses and lilies before Thee.
I offer you the lily of my purity, 
watch over me, preserve me.
God of childhood, Jesus, Good Shepherd, 
give the innocence that creates happiness.
Divine Shepherdess
O Lady of the Good Shepherd, guide us.
We have seen the Child Jesus
and the choir of Angels praising the Lord.
(The Divine Office)